Capricorn Mercury

Planet Mercury

Capricorn Mercury in I Ching Hexagrams

Capricorn 00-06: Hx-24 Return the Turning Point

00CP01’21 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L1+, Lib 33 L1-, Ari 19 L1+ “Nixon, Richard” Politician-37th US Pres.

00CP20’03 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L1+, Ari 33 L3+, Ari 60 L1+ Joan of Arc Soldier-Saint of France

00CP20’38 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L1+, Ari 33 L3+, Ari 60 L1+ “Brahe, Tycho” “Astronomer, Mathematician”

00cp31’37 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L1+, Ari 33 L4+, Ari 61 L1+ “Durack, Elizabeth” Artist

00CP45’21 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L1+, Ari 33 L5+, Ari 54 L4+ “Pasteur, Louis” Scientist-0Germ Theory

00CP53’49 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L1+, Lib 33 L6+, Tau 38 L3- “Morrison, Jim” Singer-songwritr-The Doors

01cp07’00 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L2-, Lib 31 L1-, Tau 58 L5+ “Donovan, Jason” Actor-Singer

01CP37’58 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L2-, Lib 31 L4+, Tau 05 L2+ “Goring, Hermann” politician

01CP55’13 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L2-, Lib 31 L6-, Gem 34 L3+ “Limbaugh, Rush” Talk show host

02CP01’04 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L3-, Lib 56 L1-, Gem 14 L6+ “Santayana, George” Author-Life of Reason

02CP17’54 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L3-, Lib 56 L2-, Gem 43 L2+ “Dietrich, Marlene” Actress

02CP25’02 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L3-, Lib 56 L3+, Gem 01 L3+ “Gurdjieff, Georges” Mystic

03CP22’26 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L4-, Lib 62 L3+, Leo 48 L2+ “Solzhenitsyn, Alexander” Novelst-dramatst-historian

03CP30’59 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L4-, Lib 62 L4+, Leo 18 L1- “Nasser, Gawal Abdal” Egyptian leader

03CP51’14 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L4-, Lib 62 L6-, Leo 47 L6- “Hardy, Oliver” Actor-Comedian

03CP56’14 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L4-, Lib 62 L6-, Leo 47 L3- “Lennox, Annie” Musician/Eurythmics

04CP47’37 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L5-, Lib 53 L5+, Vir 04 L2+ “Wilson, Robert Anton” Author-magic-consipiracies

04cp48’05 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L5-, Lib 53 L5+, Vir 04 L2+ “Mays, Amanda & Stephen” One of 1st TestTubeTwins#2

05CP14’13 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L6-, Sco 39 L2-, Lib 31 L3+ “Kerry, John” Politician-US Senator

05CP27’55 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L6-, Sco 39 L3+, Lib 56 L5- “Henri IV of France, King” King of France

05CP35’20 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L6-, Sco 39 L4-, Lib 62 L4+ “Kepler, Johannes” Astrologer-Astronomer

05CP48’21 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L6-, Sco 39 L5+, Lib 53 L6+ “Scriabin, Alexander” Composer

05cp49’57 MER |¦¦¦¦¦, Cap 24 L6-, Sco 39 L5+, Lib 53 L6+ “Archer, Robyn” Performer-writer-director


Capricorn 06-12: Hx-27 Providing Nourishment

06CP00’11 MER |¦¦¦¦|, Cap 27 L1+, Sco 52 L1-, Sco 52 L1- “Dior, Christian” Fashion Designer&Cosmetics

06CP23’39 MER |¦¦¦¦|, Cap 27 L1+, Sco 52 L3+, Sco 45 L4+ Osho (Rajneesh) Saint

06CP35’27 MER |¦¦¦¦|, Cap 27 L1+, Sco 52 L4-, Sco 35 L3- “Widmark, Richard” Actor

06CP36’11 MER |¦¦¦¦|, Cap 27 L1+, Sco 52 L4-, Sco 35 L3- “Sinnett, A. P.” Author-Theosophist

07CP10’08 MER |¦¦¦¦|, Cap 27 L2-, Sco 15 L2-, Sag 23 L6+ “Chaney, W.H.” astrologer

07CP22’44 MER |¦¦¦¦|, Cap 27 L2-, Sco 15 L3+, Sag 02 L5- “Richard II of England, King” King of England

07CP26’42 MER |¦¦¦¦|, Cap 27 L2-, Sco 15 L3+, Sag 02 L2- “Serling, Rod” Screenwriter-Twilight Zone

08CP17’54 MER |¦¦¦¦|, Cap 27 L3-, Sco 45 L5+, Cap 51 L5- MaharaJi Young guru/Milenium 73

08CP18@” MER |¦¦¦¦|, Cap 27 L3-, Sco 45 L5+, Cap 51 L5- “Washington, Denzel” Actor

08CP41’08 MER |¦¦¦¦|, Cap 27 L3-, Sco 45 L2-, Aqu 25 L1+ “Lee, Brenda” Musician-rock + country

08CP45@” MER |¦¦¦¦|, Cap 27 L3-, Sco 45 L2-, Aqu 25 L3- “Rai, Guru Har” Saint-7th Sikh Guru

09CP50’29 MER |¦¦¦¦|, Cap 27 L4-, Sco 35 L1-, Pis 13 L6+ “Miller, Henry” Author

10CP27’58 MER |¦¦¦¦|, Cap 27 L5-, Sag 16 L4+, Ari 60 L5+ “Pope,, Leo X” Pope-Vatican

10CP44’25 MER |¦¦¦¦|, Cap 27 L5-, Sag 16 L2-, Ari 54 L3- “Everly, Phil” Musician-Everly Brothers

10CP53’11 MER |¦¦¦¦|, Cap 27 L5-, Sag 16 L1-, Tau 38 L2+ “Schoner, Johannes” Astrologer

10CP55’02 MER |¦¦¦¦|, Cap 27 L5-, Sag 16 L1-, Tau 38 L4+ “Manet, Edouard” Painter-Impressionism

11CP17’29 MER |¦¦¦¦|, Cap 27 L6+, Sag 20 L5+, Tau 11 L2+ “Davis, Angela” Political activst-Professr

11CP27’41 MER |¦¦¦¦|, Cap 27 L6+, Sag 20 L4-, Tau 26 L2+ “Mandrell, Barbara” Musician-country singer


Capricorn 12-18: Hx-03 Difficulty at the Beginning

12CP03’37 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L1+, Sag 08 L6-, Gem 14 L4+ “St. Denis, Ruth” modern dance pioneer

12CP16’26 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L1+, Sag 08 L5+, Gem 43 L3+ “Carroll, Lewis” author

12CP36’20 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L1+, Sag 08 L3-, Can 44 L4+ “Disraeli, Benjamin” statesman

12CP43’36 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L1+, Sag 08 L2-, Can 28 L3+ “Gardner, Ava” Actress-Love Goddess

13CP01’12 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L2-, Sag 23 L6+, Can 32 L1- “Fields, Gracie” actress

13CP01’39 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L2-, Sag 23 L6+, Can 32 L1- “Neal, Patricia” Actress-Academy Award Hud

13CP19’09 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L2-, Sag 23 L5-, Can 57 L6+ “Newman, Paul” Actor-Director-Producer

13CP30’49 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L2-, Sag 23 L3-, Leo 18 L1- “Hill, Benny” Comedian

13CP45’36 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L2-, Sag 23 L2-, Leo 06 L3- “Depardieu, Gerard” Actor

14CP09’40 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L3-, Sag 02 L6-, Leo 64 L1- “Parton, Dolly” Singer Actress

14CP26’03 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L3-, Sag 02 L4-, Vir 59 L3- “Wulfing, Sulamith” Artist

14CP32’45 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L3-, Sag 02 L3-, Vir 29 L5+ “Richards, Keith” Musician Rolling Stones

14CP51’22 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L3-, Sag 02 L1-, Vir 07 L6- “Reeves, Steve” Body Builder-Mr America

14CP57’41 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L3-, Sag 02 L1-, Vir 07 L2+ “Milton, John” “Poet-“”Paradice Lost”””

15CP00’02 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L4-, Cap 24 L1+, Lib 33 L1- “Chretien, Jean” Prime Minister of, Canada

15CP03’02 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L4-, Cap 24 L1+, Lib 33 L2- “Varese, Edgar” Composer

15CP06’32 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L4-, Cap 24 L1+, Lib 33 L4+ “Goldwater, Barry” politician US

15CP13’54 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L4-, Cap 24 L2-, Lib 31 L3+ “Watts, Alan” Author-Zen Buddhist

15CP33’32 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L4-, Cap 24 L4-, Lib 62 L3+ “Fonda, Jane” Actress

16CP01’27 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L5+, Cap 27 L1+, Sco 52 L1- “Puccini, Giacomo” Opera-composer

16CP01’54 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L5+, Cap 27 L1+, Sco 52 L2- “Genet, Jean” Novelist-poet-playwright

16CP35’27 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L5+, Cap 27 L4-, Sco 35 L3- “Redgrave, Vanessa” Actress

16CP40’32 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L5+, Cap 27 L5-, Sag 16 L6- “Yeltsin, Boris” President USSR

16CP46@” MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L5+, Cap 27 L5-, Sag 16 L3- “Singh, Guru Gobind” Saint-10th Sikh Guru

17CP48’31 MER |¦¦¦|¦, Cap 03 L6-, Cap 03 L5+, Cap 27 L6+ “Everly, Don” Musician-Everly Brothers


Capricorn 18-24: Hx-42 Increase

18CP02’36 MER |¦¦¦||, Cap 42 L1+, Cap 42 L1+, Cap 42 L2- “Arguelles, Jose” Mystic artist

18cp13’02 MER |¦¦¦||, Cap 42 L1+, Cap 42 L2-, Cap 51 L2- “Wilkins, Richard” TV host

18CP35’57 MER |¦¦¦||, Cap 42 L1+, Cap 42 L4-, Aqu 17 L4+ “Smothers, Tom” Comedian-composer-actor

18CP43’27 MER |¦¦¦||, Cap 42 L1+, Cap 42 L5+, Aqu 25 L3- “Wilson, Woodrow” Politician-28th US Pres.

19CP09’05 MER |¦¦¦||, Cap 42 L2-, Cap 51 L1+, Aqu 63 L1+ “Fellini, Federico” Film Director

19CP47’42 MER |¦¦¦||, Cap 42 L2-, Cap 51 L5-, Pis 49 L2- “Selleck, Tom” Actor-Magnum PI

20CP51’06 MER |¦¦¦||, Cap 42 L3-, Aqu 21 L6+, Tau 38 L1+ “Matisse, Henri” Painter-Impressionist

20CP51’06 MER |¦¦¦||, Cap 42 L3-, Aqu 21 L6+, Tau 38 L1+ “Smith, Joseph” Prophet-Latter Day Saints

20CP58’38 MER |¦¦¦||, Cap 42 L3-, Aqu 21 L6+, Tau 38 L6+ Odetta Singer

21CP00’54 MER |¦¦¦||, Cap 42 L4-, Aqu 17 L1+, Tau 58 L1+ “Forman, Simon” Astrologer

21cp12’23 MER |¦¦¦||, Cap 42 L4-, Aqu 17 L2-, Tau 10 L2+ “Adams, Dennis Hill” Painter/Sculptor

21CP23’05 MER |¦¦¦||, Cap 42 L4-, Aqu 17 L3-, Tau 26 L5- “Dickens, Charles” Author

22CP05’36 MER |¦¦¦||, Cap 42 L5+, Aqu 25 L1+, Gem 14 L3+ “Piccard, Auguste” physicist-inventr-explorer

22CP50’57 MER |¦¦¦||, Cap 42 L5+, Aqu 36 L1+, Can 50 L1- “Presley, Elvis” Singer-King of Rock & Roll

22CP52’58 MER |¦¦¦||, Cap 42 L5+, Aqu 36 L1+, Can 50 L2+ “Casals, Pablo” Conductor and Cellist

23CP02’36 MER |¦¦¦||, Cap 42 L6+, Aqu 22 L6+, Can 32 L2+ “Torn, Rip” Actor

23CP19’35 MER |¦¦¦||, Cap 42 L6+, Aqu 22 L5-, Can 57 L6+ “Nicklaus, Jack” Golfer

23CP24’11 MER |¦¦¦||, Cap 42 L6+, Aqu 22 L4-, Leo 48 L3+ “MacAtthur, Douglas” soldier


Capricorn 24-30: Hx-51 Arousing Force

24CP06’45 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L1+, Aqu 63 L6-, Leo 64 L2+ “Schweitzer, Albert” musician-philosophr-doctor

24CP42’38 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L1+, Aqu 63 L2-, Vir 04 L5- “Nesmith, Michael” Musican-The Monkees

24CP43’22 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L1+, Aqu 63 L2-, Vir 04 L4- “Denver, John” Actor-musician-singer

24CP46’14 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L1+, Aqu 63 L2-, Vir 04 L3- “Ruskin, John” Author-poet-painter

24cp51’06 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L1+, Aqu 63 L1+, Vir 07 L6- “O’Grady, Stuart” Cyclist-Tour de France

24CP54’15 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L1+, Aqu 63 L1+, Vir 07 L4- “Dore, Gustave Paul” Painter & Illustrator

25CP14’38 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L2-, Pis 37 L5+, Lib 31 L3+ “Grant, Cary” actor

25CP39’24 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L2-, Pis 37 L3+, Lib 62 L6- “Robinson, Jackie” Basball-1st black MLplayer

25CP48’42 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L2-, Pis 37 L2-, Lib 53 L6+ “Flack, Roberta” Singer-folk-jazz

25CP54’00 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L2-, Pis 37 L1+, Sco 39 L3+ “Spitz, Mark” Swimmer-Olympics-7gold

26CP26’20 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L3-, Pis 55 L4+, Sco 45 L3- “Woods, Tiger” Golf Pro-Champion

26CP43’12 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L3-, Pis 55 L2-, Sag 16 L5- “Dean, James” actor (Rodden data)

27CP17’11 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L4+, Pis 30 L5-, Sag 23 L2- “Gibran, Khalil” Poet

27CP22’00 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L4+, Pis 30 L4+, Sag 02 L5- “Moore, Mary Tyler” Actress

27CP52’03 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L4+, Pis 30 L1+, Cap 03 L2- “Fox, Charles James” British Opposition  Leader

28CP24’59 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L5-, Pis 49 L4+, Aqu 21 L3- “Hall, Arsenio” TalkShowHost-ActorComedian

28CP28’16 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L5-, Pis 49 L4+, Aqu 21 L5- “Harrison, William Henry” Politician-9th US Pres.

28CP37’45 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L5-, Pis 49 L3+, Aqu 17 L5+ “Braun, Eva” mistress of Adolf Hitler

28CP43’43 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L5-, Pis 49 L2-, Aqu 25 L3- “Gabriel, Peter” Musician & producer

28CP51’36 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L5-, Pis 49 L1+, Aqu 22 L6+ “Maugham, W. Somerset” Author-playwright-novelist

29CP06’48 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L6-, Pis 13 L6+, Aqu 63 L2- “Poe, Edgar Allen” Author-poet

29CP17’58 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L6-, Pis 13 L5+, Pis 37 L2- “Gibson, Mel” Actor

29CP20’42 MER |¦¦|¦¦, Cap 51 L6-, Pis 13 L4+, Pis 55 L6- “Moore, Terry” Child model



The relationship of Astrology to the I Ching