Sagittarius Uranus in I Ching Hexagrams
Sagittarius 00-06: Hx-16 Enthusiasm
00SA31’28 URA ¦¦¦|¦¦, Sag 16 L6-, Ari 19 L4-, Ari 61 L1+ “Escher, M.C.” Graphic artist
00SA32’15 URA ¦¦¦|¦¦, Sag 16 L6-, Ari 19 L4-, Ari 61 L2+ “Gershwin, George” composer
00SA55@” URA ¦¦¦|¦¦, Sag 16 L6-, Ari 19 L6-, Tau 38 L3- “Das, Guru Amar” Saint-3rd Sikh Guru
00SA59’15 URA ¦¦¦|¦¦, Sag 16 L6-, Ari 19 L6-, Tau 38 L6+ “Spears, Britney” Singer-songwriter-dancer
01SA42’54 URA ¦¦¦|¦¦, Sag 16 L5-, Ari 41 L5-, Gem 09 L5+ “Brunton, Paul” Author-mystic
02SA06’10 URA ¦¦¦|¦¦, Sag 16 L4+, Ari 60 L1+, Gem 14 L3+ “Fields, Gracie” actress
02SA45@” URA ¦¦¦|¦¦, Sag 16 L4+, Ari 60 L5+, Can 28 L4+ “Dev, Guru Arjan” Saint-5th Sikh Guru
03SA59’17 URA ¦¦¦|¦¦, Sag 16 L3-, Ari 61 L6+, Leo 47 L1- “Hitchhock, Alfred” Director-Producer
04SA11’34 URA ¦¦¦|¦¦, Sag 16 L2-, Ari 54 L2+, Vir 40 L6- “Hemmingway, Ernest” Author
04sa19’30 URA ¦¦¦|¦¦, Sag 16 L2-, Ari 54 L2+, Vir 40 L1- “Seale, John” Cinematographer
Sagittarius 06-12: Hx-20 Contemplation View
06SA38’44 URA ¦¦¦¦||, Sag 20 L6+, Tau 58 L4+, Sco 35 L1- “Shakespeare, William” Playwriter
06SA41’33 URA ¦¦¦¦||, Sag 20 L6+, Sag 58 L5+, Sag 16 L6- “Astaire, Fred” Actor-Dancer
06sa43’42 URA ¦¦¦¦||, Sag 20 L6+, Sag 58 L5+, Sag 16 L4+ “Durham, Judith” Singer-The Seekers
06SA44’44 URA ¦¦¦¦||, Sag 20 L6+, Sag 58 L5+, Sag 16 L4+ “Bismarck, Prince Otto von” Statesman
07SA06’16 URA ¦¦¦¦||, Sag 20 L5+, Sag 10 L1+, Sag 08 L3- “O’Brien, Pat” Friend of Spencer Tracy
07SA57’15 URA ¦¦¦¦||, Sag 20 L5+, Tau 11 L1+, Cap 03 L5+ “Galilei, Galileo” Philosopher-Astronomer
08SA24@” URA ¦¦¦¦||, Sag 20 L4-, Tau 26 L4-, Aqu 21 L3- “Legge, James” Author-IChing-AsianThought
08SA31’14 URA ¦¦¦¦||, Sag 20 L4-, Tau 26 L3+, Aqu 17 L1+ Queen Mother Mother ofQueenElizabeth II
09sa22’15 URA ¦¦¦¦||, Sag 20 L3-, Tau 05 L4-, Pis 55 L5- “Summers, Anne” Author-feminist
09SA22’30 URA ¦¦¦¦||, Sag 20 L3-, Tau 05 L4-, Pis 55 L5- “Wolfe, Thomas” Author
09SA23’09 URA ¦¦¦¦||, Sag 20 L3-, Tau 05 L4-, Pis 55 L5- “Saint-Exupery, Antoine de” Writer-aviator
09SA31’46 URA ¦¦¦¦||, Sag 20 L3-, Tau 05 L3+, Pis 30 L5- “Himmler, Isabel” Nazi Leader-Head of SS
10SA04’15 URA ¦¦¦¦||, Sag 20 L2-, Gem 09 L6+, Ari 19 L3- “Washington, George” Politician-1st US Pres.
10sa08’43 URA ¦¦¦¦||, Sag 20 L2-, Gem 09 L6+, Ari 19 L6- “Brown, Bob” Austrl Senator-Green Party
10SA08’45 URA ¦¦¦¦||, Sag 20 L2-, Gem 09 L6+, Ari 19 L6- “Haydn, Joseph” Composer
11SA46’50 URA ¦¦¦¦||, Sag 20 L1-, Gem 34 L2+, Gem 09 L2+ “Stevenson, Adlai” US Senator + V.Pres
Sagittarius 12-18: Hx-08 Holding Together
12SA19’43 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L6-, Gem 14 L5-, Gem 43 L1+ “Tracy, Spencer” Actor-2 Oscars in a row!
12SA21’20 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L6-, Gem 14 L4+, Gem 01 L6+ “Thoreau, Henry David” Author
12SA25’45 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L6-, Gem 14 L4+, Gem 01 L3+ “Willink, Albert Carel” Painter-magic realism
13SA07’34 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L5+, Gem 43 L6-, Can 32 L5- “Mesmer, Franz” Author-animal magnetism
14SA23’14 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L4-, Gem 01 L4+, Vir 59 L5+ Anastasia Grand Duchess
14SA25’32 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L4-, Gem 01 L4+, Vir 59 L3- Baha’ullah Bahai saint
14SA53’53 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L4-, Gem 01 L1+, Vir 07 L4- “Wulfing, Sulamith” Artist
15SA00’09 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L3-, Can 44 L1-, Lib 33 L1- “Leopold III, Belgian King” King of the Belgians
15SA00’15 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L3-, Can 44 L1-, Lib 33 L1- “Malraux, Andre” Author-leader Fr.Resistanc
15SA52’18 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L3-, Can 44 L6+, Sco 39 L2- “Gable, Clark” actor
15SA53’08 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L3-, Can 44 L6+, Sco 39 L2- “Devereux, Robert” Adviser to Elizabeth I
16SA18’06 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L2-, Can 28 L2+, Sco 12 L2- Hirohito Emperor of Japan
16SA25’27 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L2-, Can 28 L3+, Sco 45 L3- “Bronte, Emily” author
16SA41’16 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L2-, Can 28 L5+, Sag 16 L6- “Pauling, Linus” Biochemist-peace activist
16SA50’07 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L2-, Can 28 L6-, Sag 20 L6+ “Disney, Walt” cartoonist
16SA53’24 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L2-, Can 28 L6-, Sag 20 L4- “Hall, Manly Palmer” Author-mystic philosopher
17SA17’37 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L1-, Can 50 L2+, Sag 23 L2- “Nash, Ogden” Poet
17SA31’30 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L1-, Can 50 L4+, Cap 24 L1+ “Mead, Margaret” Author-anthropologist
17SA50’00 URA ¦¦¦¦|¦, Sag 08 L1-, Can 50 L5-, Cap 27 L6+ “Zavattini, Cesare” Writer-directr-scriptwritr
Sagittarius 18-24: Hx-23 Splitting Apart
18SA12’03 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L6+, Can 32 L2+, Cap 51 L2- “Dietrich, Marlene” Actress
18SA22’07 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L6+, Can 32 L3+, Aqu 21 L2- “Turgenev, Ivan” Novelist-playwright
18SA55’19 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L6+, Can 32 L6-, Aqu 22 L3+ “Luther, Martin” Protestant leader reformer
18SA56’26 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L6+, Can 32 L6-, Aqu 22 L3+ “Lombardo, Guy” “Musician, Bandleader”
19SA23’33 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L5-, Can 57 L3+, Pis 55 L4+ “Lewi, Grant” Astrologer
19SA29’35 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L5-, Can 57 L3+, Pis 55 L1+ “Marx, Karl” Socialist philosopher
19SA39’34 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L5-, Can 57 L4-, Pis 30 L1+ Alexander II Emperor of Russia
19SA54’57 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L5-, Can 57 L6+, Pis 13 L4+ “Sanzio, Raphael” Painter
19SA54’57 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L5-, Can 57 L6+, Pis 13 L4+ Raphael Painter-architect
20SA11’15 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L4-, Leo 48 L2+, Ari 41 L1+ “Lindbergh, Charles” Aviator-1st Atlantic solo
20sa25’39 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L4-, Leo 48 L3+, Ari 60 L4- “Helfgott, David” Australian-Pianist
20SA29’31 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L4-, Leo 48 L3+, Ari 60 L6- “Selznick, David O.” Movie Producer
20SA43’30 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L4-, Leo 48 L5+, Ari 54 L3- “Slezak, Walter” Actor
20SA50’43 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L4-, Leo 48 L6-, Tau 38 L1+ “Melville, Herman” Author-Moby Dick
20SA57’22 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L4-, Leo 48 L6-, Tau 38 L5- “Steinbeck, John” Author
21SA33’11 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L3-, Leo 18 L4-, Tau 05 L5+ The Bab Bahai saint
21SA41’34 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L3-, Leo 18 L5-, Gem 09 L6+ “Hickey, Isabel” Astrologer
23SA05’03 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L1-, Leo 47 L6-, Can 32 L4+ “Whitman, Walt” Poet
23SA16’08 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L1-, Leo 47 L5+, Can 57 L4- “Orwell, George, Roy” Author: 1984
23SA21’19 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L1-, Leo 47 L4+, Leo 48 L1- “Victoria, Queen” Royalty
23SA27’06 URA ¦¦¦¦¦|, Sag 23 L1-, Leo 47 L4+, Leo 48 L5+ “Ruskin, John” Author-poet-painter
Sagittarius 24-30: Hx-02 The Receptive
24SA19’05 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L6-, Leo 64 L5-, Vir 40 L1- “Guicciardini, Francesco” Historian & statesman
24SA19’41 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L6-, Leo 64 L5-, Vir 40 L1- Gopi Krishna Hindu mystic
24SA42’28 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L6-, Leo 64 L2+, Vir 04 L5- “Simenon, Georges” Author-novelist
24SA50’13 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L6-, Leo 64 L1-, Vir 07 L6- “Bergen, Edgar” Ventriloquist
25SA01’10 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L5-, Vir 40 L6-, Lib 33 L1- “Nin, Anais” Author
25SA10’50 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L5-, Vir 40 L5-, Lib 31 L1- “Crosby, Bing” entertainer
25SA13’28 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L5-, Vir 40 L5-, Lib 31 L3+ “Spock, Benjamin” Pediatrician-author
25SA59’13 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L5-, Vir 40 L1-, Sco 39 L6- “Isherwood, Christopher” Author-Vedic translator
26sa10’36 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L4-, Vir 59 L5+, Sco 15 L1- “Fitzpatrick, Kate” Actress
26sa20’10 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L4-, Vir 59 L4-, Sco 45 L6- “Archer, Robyn” Performer-writer-director
27SA35’09 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L3-, Vir 29 L3-, Cap 24 L4- “Grant, Cary” actor
28SA02’40 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L2-, Vir 04 L6+, Cap 42 L2- “Bellamy, Ralph” Actor
28SA33’41 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L2-, Vir 04 L3-, Aqu 17 L3- “Spencer, Herbert” Philosophr-SocialDarwinism
28SA38’59 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L2-, Vir 04 L3-, Aqu 17 L6- “Weismuller, Johnny” Actor-Tarzan &Olympic Gold
29SA13’42 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L1-, Vir 07 L5-, Pis 37 L4- “Gabin, Jean” International star -40 yrs
29SA23’59 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L1-, Vir 07 L4-, Pis 55 L4+ “Dali, Salvadore” Painter
29SA48’53 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L1-, Vir 07 L2+, Pis 49 L1+ “Oppenheimer, Robert J.” Physicist-1st Atomic Bomb
29SA51’39 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L1-, Vir 07 L1-, Pis 13 L6+ “Skinner, B. F.” Author-psychologist
29SA55’35 URA ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Sag 02 L1-, Vir 07 L1-, Pis 13 L3+ “Campbell, Joseph” Jungian Psychologist